How do I know if I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

Sep 25, 2024

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder affecting women, causing irregular periods, excess hair growth, acne, and potential fertility issues. It’s linked to hormone imbalances and cysts on the ovaries.

PCOS can present in many different ways and can be quite complex but some of the more common signs and symptoms are below.

Polycystic Ovary Syndome - PCOS

Signs & symptoms

  • irregular periods or no perods at all
  • difficulty getting pregnant as a result of irregular ovulation or no ovulation
  • excessive hair growth (hirsutism) – usually on the face, chest, back or buttocks
  • weight gain
  • thinning hair and hair loss from the head
  • oily skin or acne


There is no magic pill to treat this syndrome. Many are put on the contraceptive pill to manage the irregular bleeds however this is merely putting a plaster on the condition and not treating the root cause. Acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition along with a bespoke exercise plan (only required in some cases) have the best results. It generally needs a multifaceted approach. All of the therapists in The Natural Fertility Hub have specialist training with PCOS.