Fertility Acupuncture
Acupuncture treatment is proven to improve your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. Patients who have acupuncture treatment during fertility treatments are twice as likely to become pregnant than those who do not include it in their care plan.
Acupuncture is a practice that originated in China over 4,000 years ago. The treatment involves the insertion of thin sterile needles into specific points on the body to treat various health conditions. When the needles are inserted, they cause a release of chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters regulate and control the release of hormones which is of paramount importance specifically with fertility.
Acupuncture has now been proven to
Regulate female reproductive hormones
Female reproductive hormones need to be carefully balanced for optimal fertility. Acupuncture has shown to positively alter how these hormones are secreted. This improves natural fertility potential but also helps females respond to the ovarian stimulation medication during IVF.
Increases the blood supply to the uterus
The health of the ovaries and the eggs within depend on a good supply of hormones and nutrients. These are delivered by the blood. Efficient blood supply ensures a healthy ovarian environment which translates to higher egg quality
Helps with embryo implantation
A successful implantation relies on two things; good blood supply and a normal functioning immune system. The number of people with dysfunctional immune systems is continually increasing. There is a large volume of evidence to show acupuncture can modulate the immune system.
Increases cervical fluid
The female body secretes cervical fluid during the fertile window as this helps the sperm transition up through the cervix and into the uterus. It also provides nutrients to the sperm to keep them alive. Acupuncture has shown to increase the production of this fluid supporting another important stage of the process.
Reduces stress & anxiety
Stress leads to higher cortisol levels. Cortisol is known to support higher inflammation levels in the body. By reducing cortisol levels acupuncture contributes to a healthier environment where our nervous system is down regulated.
Improves IVF success rates
Ideally acupuncture should be started at least 3 months before starting treatment. Recent studies have shown that the success rates of IVF in patients undergoing acupuncture treatment is 50% better than those that do not.
Improve quantity and quality of sperm
By reducing stress and increasing pelvic blood flow acupuncture has been shown to improve both quantity and quality of sperm. As sperm regenerate every 3 months ideally acupuncture sessions would be carried out over a 3 month time span.
Fertility Acupuncture FAQs
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture does NOT hurt. Yes we refer to the instruments we use as ‘Needles’ however they have more similarities with the well known pins used for sewing- [Caution- Your Acupuncturist will take offense if you refer to the needles as pins, we do not make great seamstresses!] . The needles are super thin and the skill used at the time of location of the point and needle insertion ensures minimum pain receptor stimulation. The insertion is swift, then the needle is left to do its own miraculous work. Sometimes your Acupuncturist may manipulate it slightly to allow you to feel the Qi grabbing the needle, this can serve as a reassurance that your body is responding and is embarking on its journey of self healing – Sit back and enjoy!
How many Acupuncture sessions will I need?
The evidence suggests that the optimum treatment period for women and men planning a pregnancy is 3 months. Very often pregnancy is attained before the 3 month stage but our antral follicles(tiny follicles on the ovary) take 3 months to reach full maturity. For females, treatment during this time can really improve the environment of those antral follicles as they reach maturity. For males, sperm regenerates every 90 days. Treatment during this time also positively influences the new sperm and can hugely impact sperm count, motility and morphology.
What should I do before a treatment?
I always recommend not having a big meal at least 1-2 hours before a session as this alters the pulse. You may also be required to lie on your stomach so in the interest of comfort a full stomach should be avoided. I also recommend wearing loose clothing for easy access to the various points on the body. Then just prepare yourself for a very relaxing 45-60 min treatment.
Are there side effects?
There are virtually no side effects to acupuncture treatment. Any you may come across are usually self healing. A little bruising around the insertion point of the needle may occur or an acute flare up of your symptoms can be the energy (Qi) clearing from the channel. Both dissipate fairly quickly.
Is it safe during IVF treatment:
Yes, acupuncture is a very safe treatment to get during IVF. Evidence has proved that Acupuncture can increase the success of