Are my hormones imbalanced?

Sep 24, 2024

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, such as tiredness, brain fog, hair falling out or excess hair, painful or irregular periods, headaches, constant hunger, acne or feeling the cold, then it is quite likely!

Hair falling out

This may indicate an issue with your thyroid gland. This is the master gland and affects all other reproductive  hormones. It may also be due to nutrient deficiencies.

Tired all the time

This may indicate an issue with your thyroid gland. This is the master gland and affects all other reproductive  hormones. It may also be due to nutrient deficiencies

Brain fog

This may indicate an issue with your thyroid gland. This is the master gland and affects all other reproductive  hormones. It may also be due to nutrient deficiencies

Painful periods

This may be a result of dietary choices. It may also be due to endometriosis – a painful condition where cells similar to the cells in the lining of your uterus grow outside the uterus. This can result in fertility issues.

Irregular periods

This may be due to lifestyle, natural life stage such as perimenopause or it may be due to PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). PCOS causes hormonal, immune and metabolic dysfunction.


This may be due to an excess in production of a certain hormone.  A blood test may help diagnose.

Excess hair

Excess hair on chin or navel may be due to a specific hormone excess in your body. A blood test may help diagnose.

Constant hunger

This may be due to a syndrome called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). PCOS causes hormonal, immune and metabolic dysfunction.


This may be due to a syndrome called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). PCOS causes hormonal, immune and metabolic dysfunction.

Feel the cold

This may indicate an issue with your thyroid gland. This is the master gland and affects all other reproductive  hormones.

During our Fertility Care Plan calls we will advise you on the best approach to testing based on your medical history and will personalise the plan to ensure the best outcome for you.